Sunday School

Our Adult Sunday Morning classes are great places to be taught, inspired, and encouraged in our walk with Jesus. Classes are taught Sunday mornings on the third floor by pastors and church members who are passionate about helping us grow in wisdom and understanding of Scripture and our world. Topics vary from those designed to introduce core concepts of the faith, others that deepen your faith, and those that seek to empower you for mission.

Adult Sunday Morning Classes

9:00 am

The Book of Acts
The Redeemer Room

10:30 am

The Book of Acts
The Redeemer Room
How did the “Good News of Jesus” spread from a small group to impact the entire world? The Book of Acts is the narrative account of how the church was planted and grew throughout “Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Luke wrote this second volume to his gospel, to track the movement and growth of the church after Jesus ascended into heaven. No matter what the circumstances, the Lord continued to grow his church then, as he does now. Join us as we walk together through how we as a church are shaped by the work of God through his early church and the apostles.

Meet the team

Stacey Croft

Pastor of Adult Ministries

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